
Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Dragon Scone for Good St. George

I couldn't do it. I just couldn't make a Dragon Cake for today. We still have so many cakes and cookies left over from Easter that the thought of adding to it made me sick. So to celebrate St. George's Day today, I made a Dragon Scone. Never heard of a Dragon Scone? Yeah, I'm pretty sure I just made that up. Oh well. Here it is.

Basically, it's a giant serpentine scone baked and then decorated with whipped cream and sliced strawberries. The head is a slice of (leftover) cake covered in frosting and strawberries. The eyes are two M&M's and those "wings" in the back are an apple turnover pastry. I may or may not have served him up for dinner instead of dessert. (Don't judge.)

Our other treat for the day actually came a little early and was too cute to keep in the box so it's been in our yard for a little while already.
This St. George and the Dragon Whirligig was featured by Miss Cari over on FB and was a huge hit with my BigBoy and Miss Cupcake. We have some storms brewing tonight so it looks like our St. George will have quite the battle on his hands!

St. George, pray for us!



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