Monday, June 11, 2012

Prayer Request

My brother's wife, Kari, is undergoing arterial bypass surgery this morning to correct the rare condition she has which makes her susceptible to strokes. It's a pretty serious surgery that could take between 6-8 hours minimum possibly 12 hours. Please offer a prayer for her, my brother, Brian, the surgeon and the medical staff caring for her and for the family who loves her. The recovery is going to be rough but hopefully worth it in the end.

Update: 1:08pm  First bypass done. Starting on second.

Update: 3:30pm Finishing up now.

Update: 5pm She's out of OR and my brother is going to get to see her for a bit. An 8 hour surgery! Whew!


  1. Just saw this. Praying for her recovery.

  2. I am so glad to read she is out of surgery safely! I'll pray for her recovery!

  3. How is Kari doing? Praying that she is recovering and will be back to good health soon! Sounds like it was a very intense surgery! Sacred Heart and Immaculate Heart of Mary Blessings to Kari and all of you!


Thank you for sharing your thoughts and yourself!