
Tuesday, May 1, 2012


Two boxes arrived at the exact same time. One box for him. I told him he could have what ever was inside only one box. The choice was his...

He chose poorly.


Yes... Mommy's kidding!



  1. Thanks for the giggle! I loved it!

  2. His heart must have been racing!! First in panic then in pure joy!

  3. Okay just how much of that ointment was there...perspective makes those tubes appear REALLY big! Poor Cupcake :) Recently my guy wanted the next book in Tripods Attack, and we decided to do the Kindle version, cheaper and well immediate. I hadn't done that before for one of the boys...he was shocked and amazed to ask for a book and receive it 2 minutes later!

    1. Hah! They are 3 oz. tubes and there were two of them. I really only needed one but Amazon only had a two pack and we can't find Dr. Smith's in any stores locally. It is the only diaper rash ointment that works on my babies. I don't know why. Cupcake has had some horrific diarrhea the past few days, probably related to the new tooth that popped through yesterday.

      The Professor definitely loves his Kindle, but he still prefers to crack open the spine on a new book. He uses his Kindle mostly for rereading his old favorites or finding a new classic.

  4. So funny! My son is enjoying the Ranger's Apprentice series. He is a reluctant reader, but started this series 2 weeks ago and is already on book 4! Does your son recommend the Brotherband series too? Did he read the Ranger's Apprentice? If so, which one does he like better?

    1. Melissa G,
      My son has read all of Ranger's Apprentice and both Brotherbands. He really likes them both!

  5. So funny! Poor professor. Big boy around here gets his share of ribbing about changing the diapers ;-) I tell him that every blowout he hazmats while babysitting gets him one year off purgatory.

  6. We are a Dr. Smith's family too. Works so well. I will have to look into that series for my readers.

  7. How funny! My oldest daughter is really enjoying those books too! She actually likes them better than Rangers Apprentice!

    I'm passing the Versatile Blogger Award onto you. Play along if you'd like :)

    Peace, Lori


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