
Thursday, March 8, 2012

{pretty, happy, funny, real}

Blossoming Bradford Pear trees.
Stinky to smell but so pretty when the wind blows them down like springtime snow flakes outside our window.

We had new carpet installed in our den. We call it the playroom because that's where my big kids used to congregate to play when they were little. You can see before and after shots below. We've decided we like the room better without those two wooden IKEA chairs. It's more open. FYI... when we first moved in, we had a tile border installed around the fireplace (which would be on the far right wall of these pictures if I had zoomed out to include it) which shortened the length of the carpet we'd need to exactly 12 feet. Best idea ever! Carpet is 12 feet long. Whenever we want to replace the carpet in this room (because carpet gets horribly filthy and dirty so easily), we can usually find a remnant piece that flooring stores will sell for super cheap just to get rid of. Sometimes it's a really high quality that they are very motivated to sell!

 ~ Before ~

~ After ~
I know, the color looks almost exactly the same but the old carpet really was quite dark compared to the new stuff. I'm not sure why it didn't photograph that dark.
Chubby little piggies squishing carpet!

White dogs CAN jump!

BigBoy's page for his Leap Year time capsule (thanks Miss Jessica!). I don't even know what #1 is about. My kids are so random. : )


~ Capturing the context of contentment in everyday life ~
with the lovely ladies at Like Mother, Like Daughter


  1. sweet baby piggies. I promise not to pin them. ;-)

    Recaptcha is misbehaving -- tenth try here. :-(

  2. I like Big Boy's #1 on his list. If he ever draws that picture of the french fry eating squirrel you should post a picture of it up here.

    The new carpet looks very nice. I'd love to put new carpet in our family room. Our has taken a beating over the past 4 1/2 years since we got it. I think it's one of those things that will have to wait until after we get the previous owner's basement carpet replaced. Until then the kids and the dog will continue to destroy my once beautiful beige carpet.

  3. Awesome idea for the 12' section piece!!! I also love your couch. I regret not getting a sectional when we moved down here. Cute kids photos, too. When I saw cupcake's piggy toes it reminded me of when we brought Stan home (at six months.) They have heated flooring in Korea (since they sleep on mats on the floor). So when we put him on carpet at our house, he was shocked! Very cautious about touching it...kind of like a baby in grass for the first time.

  4. I love the pic of kids frolicking on the new carpet, that is something mine would do too! I have some dingy carpet and turned down new flooring because I didn't want to deal with moving the furniture in every room...and now I'm afraid that flooring budget went to my husband's office.

  5. Hi Charlotte,

    Your pictures show a lovely new carpet that your children and puppy dog are enjoying! I agree, open up your space for the children and dog to be able to move around.

    If you're interested, there is a giveaway of a Catholic game called Journey's End from Jennifer of Crafolic going on now on my blog rosarymom. Come check it out.

  6. Love the practicality of the 12'carpet. And #1 on the list is hilarious! :0)

  7. Fun -- something new and clean is always nice. It's great that it just fits! Way to go!

  8. Can't wait to see what you come up with for the Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Seeing your posts on your children's birthdays makes me regret not celebrating big-time every year with our kids. I'm trying to make up for it -- this year my 6yo had a cowboys & indians birthday. My 4yod fell on Superbowl Sunday so we just celebrated at a friend's house with cake (she didn't ask for anything special -- just wanted to see her friends!) I'll really have to make up for it with my older kids -- I wonder if they'll mind "children's" themes!!!!


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