
Friday, March 16, 2012

Prayer Request Update

The latest from my brother is that his wife, Kari, has a blood clot. She has a very rare condition that makes her susceptible to strokes which is why they initially thought she was having a stroke. Please pray that the doctors and medicines can take care of this clot so that she can get back to teaching, house hunting and doing all the things a young wife should get to do instead of sitting in a boring old ICU.

BTW... this is Kari. Isn't she beautiful? And she loves my brother! That's him making a goofy face. He's good at that!

UPDATE 8pm: Kari is showing some signs of improvement (yay!) from the treatment so far. There is still a long road ahead but I think she's brave enough to travel it!



  1. Thanks for the update. We continue to keep them in our prayers!

  2. I will add Kari and your family to my prayers.

    Pax, Lena

  3. I've been praying and thinking about Kari and your family. Please keep us updated.

  4. God bless her and the rest of your family during this difficult time. I'll keep her in my prayers.


Thank you for sharing your thoughts and yourself!