
Monday, March 19, 2012

Happy Feast of St. Joseph!

 We are building our little altar for St. Joseph today but keeping our festivities low key hoping that our Daddy gets to come home and sleep. He's been at work since 2am after only sleeping a few hours.

I hope to make a Cream Puff cake for the kids but that depends on whether I can get to the store this morning before the storms hit. We might have to improvise!

If you are looking for a St. Joseph coloring page, I only have one for his feast day in May, but you can find this one over at Paper Dali and this one over at Evann's.

We finished praying our novena last night for all husbands and fathers, especially those seeking new employment, of which we know a few. Good St. Joseph, hear our prayers!

We started a novena for my SIL, Kari, to St. Benedict. He's the patron of inflammatory diseases which best describes her rare condition. She is doing better and has more mobility so the doctor's consider that a sign that the medicine is dissolving the clot! Yay! She might even get moved out of the ICU and into a room. One of her friends commented that she was being moved out of isolation into general population for good behavior! I thought that was funny! She is behaving herself, working on grading papers (she is a teacher) and getting better! She is not out of the woods yet but we are hopeful. Thank you for your prayers.


  1. Yumm..that cream puff looks so good!

  2. thank you for the update on Kari. She continues to be in our prayers.

  3. Ooohhh! That cream puff cake looks so yummy! It's probably a really good thing that I don't have everything I would need to make it today. It's a little easier to pass on the frozen cream puffs that my children will be having this evening. I don't think I could make that cake without eating some of it... Next year!! :)

    I'm so glad to hear that Kari is doing a littler better. We are still praying for her!

    Happy feast of St. Joseph!

  4. The cake is one of my favs! Very nice.

    Glad to hear your family has a diagnosis for Kari. She is in our prayers for a quick recovery!


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