
Friday, March 2, 2012

6 months old

I cannot believe Cupcake has been here 6 months. Truly. I say it, I check the calendar and count the days, but I can't really wrap my brain around it. When I see the beautiful newborns popping up around the blogosphere, I really do think it was just yesterday that she was all fuzzy and new.

And in the blink of an eye, here she is...

sitting up...

rolling over...

tasting sweet potatoes...

with two teeth already and more on the way...

being loved!

How do you stop yourself from blinking?


  1. Cupcake has the cutest expressions!! I can't believe she is six months old already either! It really has flown by...

  2. She's adorable. It's so hard to believe she's already six months old. I'm trying to figure out how our little one turned four months old two weeks ago.

  3. Use tape to prop your eyes open. Seriously, though, those are some great pictures of a beautiful girl. Happy "half" birthday! :)

  4. She is getting so big! I know time is passing so quickly and before I know it, we will have had little Clementine for six months!

  5. I can't believe it's been six months -- and that precious babe isn't even mine!!!! God continue to bless you all.


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