
Friday, February 3, 2012

St. Blaise's Feast Day

It looks like I'm battling mastitis right now so the girls made these cookies for their brothers today to celebrate St. Blaise's Day.
 They have taken over the baby, the kitchen, the laundry, everything to let me rest. Oh how I love these big girls of mine.



  1. Just said a quick prayer for you! I suffered mastitis once with my most recent baby and it was no joke. I'm wincing just remembering! It is great to have older children to help out. Hang in there and have a great weekend.

    1. Thanks Lauren. This is my first bout and you are right, it's no joke!

  2. Oh please do take care and call the doctor if you start a fever! I let mastitis get away from me once and wound up in the hospital. Praying for you now.

    1. I already put a call in when I started running a low grade fever. Thanks Mama Bear!

  3. Hang in there, Charlotte! Prayers for you. Thank God for big helpers!

  4. Rest, rest, rest, and nurse, nurse, nurse! Take baby to bed with you and do both! And the doc may give you an antibiotic to help as well. Hope it passes quickly!!

  5. Hope you're feeling better now Charlotte! You've obviously done a fabulous job raising your children to help out when called upon.

  6. Hope you are feeling better very, very soon. God bless you, Charlotte!

  7. Hot, wet washcloth, massaging the sore spot while cupcake nurses. Have hubby do the massaging if it's too awkward. Or nursing baby in the tub.

    Ok, well, I see I'm late with my advice, but it's always been the best thing for me. That, and actually resting! :-)

  8. Take care, get well very soon. Good health to you and your household.

  9. Oh I am so glad you are feeling better! I know that is so painful! I know your crew there is so helpful.. nurse nurse nurse and nurse again.. Our Lady of Le Leche, pray for this sweet friend of mine!


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