Sunday, January 1, 2012

You knew this was coming... right?

What else am I supposed to do with an adorable baby in the house on New Years?

We never got around to playing that game...we are soooooo not late night people. I think we might play it today and on this solemnity contemplate in a small way those last recorded words of our Blessed Mother "Do whatever he tells you."(Jn. 2:5)

Happy Feast of Mary, the Mother of God!



  1. awwwwwwwwwwwwwww

  2. Oh my heck- I started CRACKING UP LAUGHING when I saw that picture because of her absolutely perfect cuteness!!! Then my whole family had to come see the cute baby I was gushing and giggling over. Charlotte! Your baby! She's adorable!!!

  3. Goodness gracious, she's getting cuter by the minute:) Ave Maria!

  4. Oh Charlotte, your daughter is so sweet! Love her big open eyes in the photo. You must love hugging and kissing her all day long!

  5. Absolutely adorable. If that's not the face of a happy new year, I don't know what is!


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