All, according to their state, should strive to bring alive the wondrous virtues of our heavenly Queen and most loving Mother through constant effort of mind and manner. Thus will it come about that all Christians, in honoring and imitating their sublime Queen and Mother, will realize they are truly brothers, and with all envy and avarice thrust aside, will promote love among classes, respect the rights of the weak, cherish peace. Given at Rome, from St. Peter's, on the feast of the Maternity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the eleventh day of October, 1954, in the sixteenth year of our Pontificate. PIUS XII
Queenship of Mary Coloring Page

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ReplyDeleteBut I don't get that sign in request on the other pages???
ReplyDeletePS. I love your blog, and I am praying all goes well with your soon-to-arrive little one! God Bless.
ReplyDeletethe images are divine. thanks.