We accompany thee, on this day, with our most ardent wishes to thy Son, O glorious Virgin, Queen of heaven! and follow thee from afar, O happy Virgin! Give thy mildness to the world, give of the grace thou hast found with God. Obtain by thy blessed intercession, grace for the guilty, recovery for the sick, strength for the fainthearted, aid for those in peril! And for us, thy servants, who on this glorious festival-day invoke thy sweetest name, spend, O gentlest Queen, His grace for us Jesus Christ, thy Son, our Lord and God, to whom be glory forever. Amen.
Please keep little Lucy Mae in your prayers today! Her mom posted that they just took her back for surgery and she should be there for about 5 hours. (8:15 am)
Please keep little Lucy Mae in your prayers today! Her mom posted that they just took her back for surgery and she should be there for about 5 hours. (8:15 am)
Most recent UPDATE: Out of surgery : a note from Lucy's mom yesterday (August 16) stated that they were heading home! Please keep praying for Lucy's recovery!

We'll be praying. The Blessed Mother will wrap her mantle around her and her family.