I have tried different kinds of baby carriers in the past and so far, a grand total of none of them have worked for me and my babes! I can't remember them all but know I had a Maya Wrap
However, considering it's been 7 years since we had a baby in the house, I'm curious to talk about what might be "new" and what has worked for other mamas, should we be inclined to try a carrier again. Jennifer (who's maternity leave starts today!) talked about the heat factor involved with a wrap style carrier in this post (see #9) and that is definitely also a concern of mine since we have been known to still be wearing shorts on Thanksgiving here in this hot box we call home. Now granted, October and November aren't as hot as July and August, but still. My other personal predicament is that I have very broad shoulders and frequently get very painful muscle knots in them that seem to only respond to massage, not Advil. If they get too bad, they can trigger some horrible headaches (not quite migraine, but close). I think that's why a sling style carrier has never really worked for me because it puts all the weight on your shoulders and my babies have weight to them! Only one was under 8 lbs when he was born! And they ALL continue to grow big and fast! 90th percentile and above, baby!
So, what do you say, you baby wearing mamas? What have you tried? What have you hated? What do you love? Oh... and one that makes me look as radiant and peaceful as the women above would be great! Thanks! Since this is the first time I've have a baby with big kids old enough to help, I'd also love to hear from mom's with older kids if a carrier is even something to think about or if I should just cross it off the list? I'd really appreciate your thoughts on the matter!

Like you, I tried a number of carriers and ended up with headaches and a sore back. I couldn't see why people love these contraptions so much until I got an ergo carrier. I love my ergo baby carrier. I've had mine for 5 years (2 babies) and it is by far the most comfortable carrier ever. They have a newer "sport" version that is lighter weight, but I haven't tried it.
ReplyDeleteDo you have a cloth diaper store in your area? The one in the city where I live also has carriers new and used. You can try on various ones and find the right fit before buying. Some places even offer babywearing classes for the same purpose. I know the local store even has a lending policy. I have seen online stores that offer trial periods as well with a deposit. If you like the carrier you pay the difference, if not you just lose a small deposit fee. Good Luck finding the right carrier for and God Bless you and your family.
Thanks Tina Marie!
ReplyDeleteI have heard good things about the Ergo but it's hard to see just from looking at it what the difference is between it and a Baby Bjorn. Is the Ergo built differently? Where does it transfer the baby's weight?
The Ergo is great! The difference is that it acts like a backpacking pack, with the weight being mostly on the hips because of the wide belt that goes around the waist. I like it SO much better than the Bjorn, which ends up making my whole upper back and neck hurt. For an infant, there's an insert, but once they are 4 months old you don't use the insert any more.
ReplyDeleteMy husband and I each have slings that we like. My favorite is the Maya pouch. It may be that you need to have someone show you how to use a sling because the learning curve can be very steep.
ReplyDeleteWe also have an Ergo which we really like.
Regardless of what you try, try using it as soon as possible so your baby knows that this is where she belongs. Put baby in and start moving. Walking, bouncing, rocking - just get moving.
While my older children can be helpful with our baby, we still use our baby carriers quite a bit.
With the Bjorn you have to have the piece where the straps cross on your back placed in the middle of your back. It is very hard to do without help. The Ergo is much easier to adjust by yourself. I see so many people with the Bjorn adjusted incorrectly and I know they're hurting. same with slings- so many times a simple adjustment will fix everything. I used to sell slings (not make them, just sell well known brands) so I know all the little tricks. But if you don't want to try another sling, and I wouldn't blame you a bit, I recommend the Ergo.
ReplyDeleteI asked the same question when we were expecting George and got lots of helpful comments.
ReplyDeleteHere's the link to that post.
There were also some fun comments on this post. (I was joking about all the crumbs I was dropping on my slingified son.)
Truly, Charlotte, I absolutely loved keeping George close to my heart like that and so did he. I was never much of a baby wearer before but now I say DEFINITELY find a couple of carriers you like (yes, I said a couple) and keep that little cupcake close!
Which will be tricky with her big sisters, as you know. :)
I'm in Florida, so feel you on the heat:) I was able to use a Moby wrap with our first, an August baby, despite the heat. Loved using that for the first year. The Ergo has definitely been a hit at our house as well. I love that my husband and I can use the same sling since it's adjustable. It disperses the weight better for a comfortable sling experience. I'm a little behind you at 26 1/2 weeks and I plan on doing the same route with this Sept. babe.
ReplyDeletePS. Just so you know, I have been ACHING to bake some cupcakes for your baby shower but MY OVEN IS BROKEN! The repair guy just left and--big sigh--it's gonna cost over $350 to repair the electronic clock.
ReplyDeleteMaybe I'll get some store-bought goodies, scrape off the toppings, and custom re-make them! The cupcake contest clock is ticking, though...
Extraordinary circumstances call for extraordinary measures. Get thee to a bakery, woman! ;)
ReplyDeleteI loved using a moby wrap style sling for our son, and my husband did, too. We didn't buy the official Moby, just used a long piece of slightly stretchy material and tied it like the moby wrap. A friend bought us the "ultimate baby wrap" which is the same idea and we liked it due to the light weight fabric and how it distributed the weight across the back and shoulders so that one spot wasn't getting too much weight.
ReplyDeleteI really liked the feel of a pouch-like over one shoulder sling but my baby liked being vertical more than horizontal or slouched.
I added a Maya wrap to my collection for our next little one but we won't find out til she arrives if it's a hit or not!
I would definitely give the moby wrap a try, though! It was the only way our son would sleep for awhile!
In the combox of that post Margaret linked to, someone mentioned another concern of mine...
ReplyDeleteWhenever someone tells me how they LOVE their particular carrier, I've found that most of them have smaller babies. My babies are big and chunky! We don't use newborn sized clothes, we go straight to the 3 month size. Maybe my babies are too big to carry comfortably in a carrier?
I've tried many wraps/slings/carriers, as well, and I believe I have found the VERY best one! It's called a Migo Wrap, and not only have I used mine several times a day since our 12 mo old was born, I wear it/him for hours at a time! He's currently napping in his Migo as I type this.
ReplyDeleteMy disclaimer is that my son's godmother makes them, but she created the Moby-style wrap to provide more support for her back. As a former university cheerleader, her back is a mess, but she wears her babies up to age 2! This wrap definitely is the best back support and the most comfortable - no straps, buckles, rings, metal or plastic parts - only soft interlock knit fabric!
If you are intrigued with trying a Moby-style but intimidated by all the fabric/wrapping involved. The Migo helps with that by being double-layered; no folding necessary. It does take some practice to get used to using, but anyone who uses a Moby will tell you that once you get used to the wrap, it's second nature.
In the Texas heat, there are some days I peel it off of me, but baby heat is baby heat, no matter what kind of carrier you use! Most important to me, my son absoultely loves it. He cuddles with the Migo and gets super excited when he sees me wrapping.
Read more about it on her site here, and ask her any questions you want: http://migowrap.web.officelive.com/default.aspx
I have big babies too that grow fast. My last was 10lbs, 12oz. So I know what you mean about the weight! I've tried multiple slings/carriers and I like certain ones for when they're newborns and others when they're older (if I have any strength left to carry them!!). For awhile I really liked this 2nd hand pick-up I bought and I can't find anywhere new now but it was a very comfy, easy to adjust ring sling. That was the pro. The con was that with a lot of wearing it killed my shoulder.
ReplyDeleteSo with my last I ended up ordering a Moby (which is relatively inexpensive compared to others out there at $40). I loved it. It was so comfortable and I could wear it in the summer reasonably well (still hot but it's hot, you know?). All my babies liked to sleep upright (reflux) and the Moby did well with this. The only thing I didn't like about the Moby, and this is probably just me needing practice, is that I couldn't wrap it around a sleeping baby without help. I always had trouble nursing with it on so if you can do that, then you should be able to move the baby around pretty easy.
I don't do much carrying past those early months (too heavy at 20+ lbs) but love it as newborns. Good luck finding something you love!
Charlotte, my last baby was 10lbs 7 oz. I've always enjoyed the Bjorn for all my kids but he outgrew that the second he was born ;) I bought the organic Ergo and fell in love. It seems to have less things to adjust and at least my organic one feels very natural and alot less padded than my Bjorns did.
ReplyDeleteMy son is 18 months now and we still use it for hikes (carry on the back). I have to tell you my husband rather liked the Ergo better too. I'm 5'4'' and he is 6'2'' it adjusts very well.
Get the Ergo!! It is great and is nothing like the bjorn. I also tried a new one with each child and have used the ergo with 2 so far. It is very comfortable and I even use it for hiking...we hike a lot! It is so comfortable and easy to use and you can use it for a long time. I even use it for toddlers on my back when we are on a long hike. Anyway, I highly recommend it.
ReplyDeleteFirst time commenter here, just popping in to say that we love the Ergo carrier. The Baby Bjorn hurt my back terribly, but I've used the Ergo for my last two babies and I didn't encounter that problem at all. Why didn't I know about it for the first four kids?! :)
ReplyDeleteAnd my babies are chunkers too, with the last two girls coming in at 9lbs 3oz and 9lbs 12oz. They fit in the Ergo just perfectly with the newborn insert, although I didn't have to use the insert for quite as long since my kids are bigger.
The expense originally put me off of the Ergo, but I have to say that it has been worth the money. I have used it very often, even with older sibling helpers, because sometimes baby just needs a mama snuggle. It's also extremely helpful when I am going through any kind of store with the baby and the rest of the kids. Sometimes hands-free is good! ;)
Good luck and have fun snuggling the baby any which way!
Charlotte I also have a Moby Wrap, but I really like it only for the first few months. I REALLY like it during that time, but I hear you about the Texas heat. Three of my girls were born down there, so I can understand the problem.
ReplyDeleteI must, though, join the chorus of Ergo users. I had a Bjorn with my first baby, and the Ergo is really a totally superior and different contraption. It's easy to use, easy to adjust, not so hot as a Moby, and you can get an insert for newborns as well (I've never used one, so I can't vouch for how good it is with that).
I am pretty sure that you can order an Ergo from www.abbyslane.com and get free shipping and a 30 trial with the carrier too, in case you are afraid it won't work for you. Concerning the size of baby, my babies are all born between 9 and 10 lbs, so they are chunky too. I have used the Ergo with success up to about 18 months (by then I just put them on my back), at which point I am either pregnant again or they would rather walk.
I just saw your question about where the Ergo transfers weight, and in my experience it's to the hips rather than the shoulders/back. It's very well balanced, it would literally take a long hiking trip in the mountains to wear me out with a baby in the Ergo.
ReplyDeleteFirst of all, congratulations on your little "cupcake"! I also want to thank you for sharing your beautiful coloring pages and all the other wonderful, creative ideas you share for celebrating the liturgical year.
ReplyDeleteNow on to the baby carriers - one of my favorite subjects! I love, love, love my ergo! I cannot possibly convey in words how amazing this carrier has been for us. With my oldest two I mostly used a ring sling, which I still prefer for the first couple of months, but once they gain a few pounds my back just can't take it. We had the bjorn too but didn't use it much because I found it uncomfortable. I discovered the Ergo when my youngest was 6 months old, and I just can't say enough good things about it.
It definitely distributes the weight more on your hips than shoulders, and I like that you can wear the baby on your front, hip, or back (my son's favorite place to fall asleep). I even carried my 3-year-old in it for a short while and it wasn't too bad. I have friends who love wrap-style carriers and I've tried them as well, but I find the Ergo much easier to put on and adjust by myself than the wrap and tie ones. I haven't used the Ergo for an infant yet, but we are currently expecting baby #4 so I'm looking forward to trying it out with our new little one.
I second Tina Marie's suggestion that if there's any way you can get to a store to try them out, do it. I went to our local cloth diaper store with no intention of purchasing the Ergo that day, but after wearing my little guy in it around the store while I shopped, I was sold and bought it on the spot. God bless you and your family!
My babies were all big (starting at 8 pounds and increasing substantially until number 4 was 9 pounds 3 ounces) and since I live in your heat zone I want to throw in my experience here -
ReplyDeleteI HATED the Bjorn with my first baby because it hurt and she didn't like just hanging out there. The only slings I'd seen back then looked like the baby would just get swallowed up like a substitute womb, and oh how I wish I'd done some research with my second child because he was colicky and fussy and nursed constantly, I think a sling would have certainly blessed me.
A friend recommended the Ergo for baby 3 and it has been in almost daily use since the day he was born 3 1/2 years ago. In fact, he was upset when we started using it for the new baby, because he didn't want to stop riding in it. There is an infant insert and I would be more than happy to send you mine if you decide to go that route (it is an older model than what they have now, and I do think it gets too hot). The weight distribution is great and once you get the knack of putting it on, it is really easy. That being said, with a little one it is hot. They started making an Ergo sport, which is softer and much more breathable. My mom bought it for me last spring and I found that I didn't need the infant insert because it was more flexible and easier to snug up. But it is made for Dads to wear too so at me being 5 foot 3 I have a bit of trouble buckling myself.
I'm going to keep droning on here, sorry.
I also have a Maya wrap that I wore for the first four months or so. It was easy to get him into and he liked to nap while I cooked or did other things for the siblings. It has a padded shoulder. It does cause some pain as the baby gets to be 3 mos or so but it made for a super happy baby and I even learned to nurse him in it. I was intimidated by the rings at first but got comfortable pretty easily and it is much easier to throw in the car or bag for "just in case" times. Our babies were always too heavy to lug around in the infant car seats and they hated them too.
Sorry to go on and on. I am no expert, but I know what worked well for us. Even with my baby being 15 months old now, if he is fussy with a cold I pop him in the Ergo, usually now on my back, and we go on our way.
Hope that was helpful. I know it was wordy!
I'm excited for you. I am enjoying having a toddler without having another baby on the way! I tell God that I'm not saying "no," I'm just asking for a little break to rest! So I am enjoying your journey!
Hey, I haven't commented here before but our favorite carrier is a woven wrap. steep learning curve and maybe not great in hot weather (but unless you plan on being outside a lot during the summer months, you've got A/C right?) but once you get it, its amazing. Its not stretchy like a moby (I actually much prefer the sleepy wrap for a stretchy wrap - it has elastic in it, so no need to readjust. I know my friends with moby's always complain about having to readjust because it gets saggy since its 100% cotton). Anyway - I wear my just turned 2 year old to get her to go to sleep at night and sometimes naptimes too, so they are great for older kids as well. But I don't think wrapping is very practical for running errands, we have a toddler kinderpack for that. (think toddler sized ergo... my DD didn't fit in the ergo very well after 12 months, the body of it is just so short)
ReplyDeleteI used a moby wrap style carrier from www.loveyduds.com when my baby was a newborn and then an Ergo after that. I really liked both of them. The great thing about the wrap one was that the baby was really close to me and really covered, which discouraged strangers from touching! The Ergo was better once he got bigger and wanted to look around, although you can' wear baby facing out with the Ergo. I have older kids who would want to hold him for a bit, but I still used my carriers, through the first year. I don't use the Ergo as much now though. If you can borrow several before you buy that is the way to go. Oh, and my baby was born last May and I wore him off and on in the summer and it was not too terrible most of the time. You're a busy Mom, having a way to wear your baby and be closer to her while you are meeting the needs of your other kids will be good for both of you!
ReplyDeleteJust read other comments: Egos have a lot of padding in the straps and distribute the weight differently than a Baby Bjorn. They are not perfect, but I had minimal back pain with it.
If you use Facebook (or even if you don't there must be an email option) you can "like" Mama Bargains, and Baby Steals, and one or both of them will at some point have Ergos for 50% off! That is how I got mine. They are flash deal sites so you have to be watching for it, but they usually have them on sale several times a year. Less selection in fabric, but for the price it is worth giving that up.
ReplyDeleteHere's my favorites, after trying many kinds: I have carried my last two babies form newborn stage to 2.5 years old in a Zolowear sling (I like the cotton kind). I can't leave the house when I am using this sling and not have someone stop me and ask me about it. It is super cute in many pretty patterns or solids, very comfortable, has a little pouch to hold a diaper, wipes, binky, wallet, cell phone etc. also very safe for the baby. It doesn't hurt your back and you can even nurse in it and it has enough extra fabric you often don't even need a nursing cover. very simple and easy to put on. once you do it a couple of times you can have the sling on and baby in it in about 15-20 seconds or less. I used a Baby Bjourn with my first and my back always ached. The only thing it is good for in my opinion is a hike or maybe a grocery store trip when you need the cart for older kids and even then after about 12-15 pounds they just get to heavy in it. I do love a maya wrap but only when I am at home and have the time and place to wrap it on (as it is a process even with experience) and I typically only use it for the first 6 weeks at most. I find I will put on just a nursing tank or bra and put it on and then be able to easily nurse the baby and have skin to skin and hands free time around the house. If I am cold, I wear a sweater to cover my arms. I have recommended teh Zolowear sling to at least 10+ moms and they are all so happy. Oh but they are sizd which is maybe why they are so comfy since they are not one size fits all. you can follow instructions on their website (http://zolowear.com/) or find a local baby boutique store that carries them and get measured there. I didn't buy mine from the store I got measured at as I found them cheaper online. Good luck.
ReplyDeleteWith my youngest I used a Bjorn carrier and I loved it. I really only wore her when I had to run the vacuum or go to the stores and pick my oldest up from preschool. By the time she was 15 or 16 pounds I wasn't able to carry her comfortably in the carrier. I have problems with the lumbar region of my spine and I didn't have any unnecessary strain on my back when I used the Bjorn, but it started to hurt my shoulders by the time she was about six months old.
ReplyDeleteI did a review of a Boba carrier a little less than a year ago and I wasn't impressed with it at all. I found it very uncomfortable to wear without a child even being in it. It's not a carrier for anyone with lower back problems.
There's a woman who lives around the corner from me that absolutely raved about her Maya wrap. She told me there's a bit of a learning curve to getting used to using it, but she had no complaints about it. I may give that one a try, but I suspect based on the looks of it that it will be too complicated for me to use easily.
I look forward to seeing what others have to say about carriers. I'm only a few weeks behind you and I'm hoping to find a sling or carrier I can use for the new baby.
I have to second (third or fourth) the Ergo carrier. I just gave mine away to my new Goddaughter's mom, but if I'm ever blessed again, I will get another. For my last little guy (who's now three...sniff), I used and loved the Moby Wrap until he was about six-months old. Then, I got the Ergo. I think I could carry him in it today, if I had to. It is very easy on the back and shoulders. My 16-yo would even carry him on her back (or front) when she was 13. It really is the BEST baby carrier!
ReplyDeleteI've commented and been following this post as I'm interested in finding a good carrier myself! I personally love the Moby for newborns. For those Ergo lovers, how many have actually used it for newborns or is it more when they have more head control (like 4 months)? My kids are over 20 lbs by the point - is it still comfortable with a big baby like that? I'd love to be able to carrier longer than just a few months.
ReplyDeleteYour concern...
ReplyDeleteWhenever someone tells me how they LOVE their particular carrier, I've found that most of them have smaller babies. My babies are big and chunky! We don't use newborn sized clothes, we go straight to the 3 month size. Maybe my babies are too big to carry comfortably in a carrier?
Was my concern, as well...my babies are big too... over 9 lbs. The Moby Wrap for a couple months, then Ergo-it. You'll be set!
Thanks so much Karen! We go straight to 3 month clothing as well except a very few outfits that first week. I do like the look of the Ergo but the price... Too much to take a chance on! Now I have a good idea. :)
ReplyDeleteIf having too much weight on one shoulder is an issue, a wrap may be better than a ring sling since it evenly distributes the weight across both shoulders and the back. There is a learning curve with them, though, in having to get the hang of wrapping them around your body first! they have to have snug enough to hold the baby. A stretchy one like a Moby Wrap does get warm, but a more expensive fabric would be more breathable. There is also one that is easier to put on - it is pre-attached so no wrapping and tying - called the Baby K'Tan. My sister-in-law had one and didn't have any trouble getting it on comfortably.
ReplyDeleteOnce they are bigger, an Ergo or similar carrier is nice because it is easy to get the baby on your back. They have to be close to 6 months old to be able to be in an Ergo.
I like ring slings for their ease of use - easy to put baby in and adjust it. But if you tried a Maya before and it wasn't comfortable, there are also padded slings... I like one called Over the Shoulder Baby Holder. But... padding makes it hotter! So that's a trade-off...
Maybe you can find a babywearing group nearby where you can attend a meeting and try out different carriers... I think there is one called Koala Mamas, and there are probably others. Some La Leche League groups may have members who have various carriers they may be willing to show you as well. Good luck!
I love my ergo, as does my husband. He is pretty tall, 6 foot, and I am 5 foot seven. The weight is on your hips, not your shoulders. I have big babies, too. I have even worn the ergo on my back and a mei tai wrap on the front at the same time with my twins (who were both big, each weighed 8 lbs. at birth, so I know about big babies!). I use the ergo even now and they are 18 months and weigh over 25lbs. I got the ergo with my oldest 7 years ago, and would not trade this carrier for anything. I do echo what others have said, try it on if you can from a friend before you committ to see if it does fit your needs. Good luck and God bless!
ReplyDeleteOh, and regarding the Ergo vs. Baby Bjorn... the Ergo actually has a broader fabric panel so that the baby is supported under her legs and bottom, whereas in the Bjorn, she is just hanging from her crotch (ouch, that sounds painful, lol!). While most babies don't seem to mind that, it is actually much better for them to have their weight distributed across their bottoms and legs instead of just under the crotch, because that puts a lot of pressure on their spinal column. I think that having more support under the baby is also part of what makes the Ergo more comfortable for the adult as well. And I got an old-style Ergo on eBay about 4-5 years ago, and that was much more affordable than a new one! It also goes up to 35 or 40 lbs, as I recall... we even carried our oldest at age 3 and 4 in it if we needed to make a long trek across someplace or on a hike.
ReplyDeleteHI, My name is Cristina and I have four kids, going on number five. We are just 5 weeks pregnant so the road ahead is still long for me. I have two bulging discs in my back and a vertebra that broke and healed incorrectly, which has resulted in bone spurring. I also have mild scoliosis. My back was in perennial pain carrying my children and I tried every carrier you can imagine. By child number 4 I decided that if there wasn't something out there that could help me, I would make something that would help me. My son is 35 lbs and I can still carry him in my wrap, without back pain, for hours! I will not go into the details of why and how it works better than anything else out there. It is a long story. But my posture is now better and I am pain free. Here is the link to my testimonials page www.migowrap.web.officelive.com/Testimonials.aspx. This wrap is good for newborn to 40 lbs. It is machine washable and dryable. It is soft and cuddly. It won't sag!!! and yet it is a knit. Some of my customers have had back surgeries, or have suffered with back pain for years. Now they can carry their babies for long periods of time, pain free. Anyhow, it works. I don't know how I came up with it, call it divine inspiration, but two years later, I feel great and so do my customers!
ReplyDeleteThere are two reasons I do not recommend the Ergo. The first is that babies don't really fit well in it when they are really little. Ergonomically speaking, it is not a good position for baby. The second is that as baby gets older and heavier and gets to ride on the back, mom's posture suffers. I just got back from a Catholic Homeschool Convention where every one was pregnant or carrying a baby. Every single Ergo mom carrying her baby on her back was slouching forward. Not so good for mom's back. Let me know if you would like the details of how and why it works and how it has helped specific customers. I will be happy to share.
God bless and congratulations on your pregnancy,
You must consider the Migowrap! I have used it with my last two babies and it is the definitely the best wrap out there. Yes, I have also tried them all! Love my Migowrap and finally feel relieved that I do not have to search anymore! Every other wrap I have tried in the past had "something" I was not happy with. I can honestly say the Migo is perfect in every way. I am a proud owner of 3 Migowraps! I keep one in the car, one at home and a backup in case one is in the wash!
ReplyDeleteWhat I also like is that you can have it personalized, choose from an array of beautiful patterns/solids.
I really love your blog Charlotte. Thank you for inspiring me is so many ways! Blessings to you and your beautiful family.
I have tried them ALL but wanted to put a word in for the cloth you choose...I had a Zolowear ring wrap made out of Solarveil. It has UV protectant for the baby that can not wear sunscreen and baby can go in the water for the beach, pool, showers and dries well. It is a breathable mesh fabric. The downside I found is if your baby is bigger than 20# than a sling with a ring pull will hurt your side. I Highly suggest you contact Cristina at www.migowrap.web.officelive.com We have had four children using the others and are awaiting to order one from her using the Solarveil fabric once we are pregnant. She can add a pocket to your fabric for storing that pocket change and car key if needed. I have seen her wraps used by many friends and know that a huge toddler can hang out and not break your back. Go check it out!
ReplyDeleteI have big babies (all over nine lbs), I have a horrible back, and I carry my babies everywhere. We have the moby wrap, but it is mostly my husband who uses it when we are on vacation. My all time favorite sling that I can use for hours at a time, that is a breeze to use even in hot TX weather, and has made flying with a little very easy is the hotsling. There are YouTube videos about how to use it and they come in different sizes. Best sling ever. It is something I would grab as I run out the door in a house fire. Ha ha. My "baby" is 19 mos and she jumps for joy when I reach for it and she is super easy to carry in it even though she is chunky. When she was a newborn, she would sleep through Holy Mass in it and I could kneel and sit and stand w/o waking her up. I tried the ergo and hated it. Went right back to the hot sling. I usually find them on craigslist or eBay for about 15 bucks.
ReplyDeleteI too have had experience with different baby carriers. I first tried the Baby Bjorn and something similar. . .horrible, to say the least. Neither my husband nor I could carry our son in it. After searching I then used a sling. I got the hang of it, but the downside is the fact that your hands have to always be on the lookout for your baby's safety. Now that I am on my fifth child, I found the Migo Wrap. I have to say that it is like nothing I have tried before. I do not feel the weight of my child on it. I went to a homeschooling convention in Florida for 3 days, I am glad to say that I used the stroller only for my books and bags, the baby was always on me. She was 2 months old and even after wearing her for about 6 hours, my back was intact. I did not have that soreness nor that increasing sharp pain that you usually feel after using other baby carriers.
ReplyDeleteWow, that's a lot of Ergo and Maya and Migo supporters! I have never tried those, but I have tried several and only liked one.
ReplyDeleteI have big babies too (8lbs 4oz-10lbs 4oz) and they grow fast so by 4 months, my son was out of his infant carrier and I had nowhere to put him in grocery carts and places like that so I used the Slingezee (http://www.slingezee.com/) and the reason it is easier on my back is that I wear them more on the hip once they are bigger. You can nurse in this hands free and cook dinner. I have done it! And my favorite part is that you can get it on quickly and over a sleeping baby by yourself. I don't have older kids that can help me. Mine are all pretty close together and so to take time to wrap myself up in something when it already takes us a while to get places and get things done isn't going to happen. I wore my son in it through every Mass until he was 18 months (~30 lbs +) and could stay with me without running off. My pattern is hideous because I got it second hand too for 10$, but my husband won't wear it because of this. It is not completely pain free for long long periods, since you are still carrying alot of extra weight. We lived in Europe for a few years, and I even carried my almost two year old daughter while pregnant with my son through many museums while she napped and on countless hikes and trips. Obviously, it hurt after a while, but I was not uncomfortable through an hour long Mass or a trip to the grocery store.
Does anyone want to talk about double strollers because I need to buy one for this upcoming child and I really hated the last one I bought about 5 years ago because the handle broke quickly and it was soooo cumbersome for me to move by myself. It was a double wide jogger that I thought I'd enjoy because it was good for indoor and outdoor use. Just use for outdoor and only on occasion...so advice?
Love your site, I am a big fan of Baby Wearing. As you can see below if you are interested. All the best!Baby Carrier Reviews
ReplyDeleteI am going to chime in and say that love my ergo. I have had mine for 6+ years, through 5 kids. I also have a Mei tai from www.meitaibaby.com that has an adjustable crotch width, so I can use it from the time they are very small. Once they hit about 15-18 lbs and their legs are long enough to fit it correctly, I still prefer the ergo. It seems to be more supportive and stays put better for long-term wear. The other carrier I have is a Maya Wrap, which I only use for short periods of time when my kids are very small. Good Luck!
ReplyDeleteI'm not going to give a recommendation but just say thank you for posting this question, Charlotte. I've got a Maya sling with Anthony and have loved it. He was 9 pounds 10 oz at birth and is just growing to the point where it's not quite so comfortable anymore now that he's 4 months. Anyway, I've been seriously contemplating getting an Ergo and seeing all the positive reviews both here and elsewhere has made me feel a lot more comfortable about shelling out the money.
ReplyDeleteI only have ever used two, and I love them both. My babies are 8+ lbs. I like the MOBY wrap for the first few weeks/months. I love how snug it is and makes the baby feel like he's back in the womb. Once they are a bit too heavy for my poor back I use the ergo carrier. They're expensive, but worth every penny. I got my organic one for $92 in '06. I love it because it's very easy to put on, I can wear baby in the front while he's little and easily on the back when he's a bit bigger. It's very comfortable.
ReplyDeleteLove my Ergo, and I've tried lots of carriers.I wrote a lengthy blog post a few years back all about baby carriers: http://katewicker.com/2008/01/baby-carrier-reviews-resources.html