... after 65 years as identical twins wearing the identical brown robes of the Franciscans -- mostly at St. Bonaventure University -- Brother Julian Riester and Brother Adrian Riester died together at St. Anthony Hospital in St. Petersburg, Fla. Julian died Wednesday morning, followed by Adrian in the evening... The biological brothers were also religious brothers, committed to the monastic life of Franciscan friars, not as priests but in roles as physical laborers..."They had this intimate bond, in which neither was selfish at all," Michael Riester said. "And because they were so in tune to God and to each other, it's not surprising at all."Eternal rest, grant unto them, O Lord and may perpetual light shine upon them...
Friday, June 3, 2011:
Assisted suicide advocate Jack Kevorkian, known as "Dr. Death" for helping more than 100 people end their lives, died early on Friday at age 83, his lawyer said... Kevorkian was first dubbed "Dr. Death" by colleagues during his medical residency in the 1950s when he asked to work the night shift at Detroit Receiving Hospital so he could be on duty when more people died. [emphasis mine]May God have mercy on his soul.

Even though it doesn't surprise me, I still felt sad to see the twin friars receiving only a small blip on Fox news where Dr. Korvorkian's death received such huge attention.
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing these contrasting stories. I loved reading about the twins, and sharing that story with my family. "Dr" K was from my immediate area, so unfortunately we've endured extra coverage (and glorification) of his life and death.