Mrs. Darwin is my new favorite person today! I had no idea a new Jane Eyre movie was in the works. I freely admit that I have a deep fondness for the classic Clarke & Dalton version that Morton and Gainsbourg just couldn't shake but I am also more than willing to try something new!
Dame Judi plays Mrs. Fairfax which you just know is going to be a wonderful thing to behold! I am unabashed in my love for all things Jane. It is one of those books that I just have to pick up and reread every so often. In fact, I'm thinking I just might head to that bookshelf right now...

Ooh!! Love seeing (and critiquing) the newest attempt at Jane. Also one of my all-time favorite novels.
ReplyDeleteOh, wow. I cannot wait to see this. I am in love with the Morton/Hinds version, certain significant disappointments notwithstanding. (Haven't been able to decide which other versions to try.) I would read this book every year as I do with much of Austen, except I'm usually pregnant and I'm too hormonally susceptible to excessive emotional reactions!
ReplyDeleteOh! Love, love, love! I can't wait to see this version. I did enjoy the Morton and Gainsbourg versions. I think it is just because I love the story so much. Jane Eyre is on my top 5 most loved books.
ReplyDeleteShocking confession time...I have never seen the Clarke & Dalton version. I'm adding it to my netflix queue right now!
Oh happy day!! It's available on instant watch!! Woohoo! :D
ReplyDeleteI admit that my preference for the Clarke/Dalton version could be due to the fact that it was the first one I saw. I just love it so much but I can see how someone who has never seen it before might be turned off by it's dated quality. I tried to evaluate the other versions based on the book and not compare them to the older movie version. I did enjoy them!
Oh I got chills! Jane Eyre is one of my all time favorite books! I am so excited!
ReplyDeleteOooo! I'm sharing everyone's excitement! Rare that I see a preview for an upcoming movie that I actually want to see!
ReplyDeleteLOL, just had to add, I have just finished my latst book, maybe it is time for another read of Jane Eyre, it has been awhile! And goodness, I just realized I have never seen the Clarke and Dalton version either! Maybe after my reread!
ReplyDeleteI have to admit my favorite is the WWII version with Orson Wells as Mr. Rochester.
The first version I saw was the Gainsbourg version which I really liked...until I saw Masterpiece Theater's 2007 version with Ruth Wilson. That's the version I will hold up all other versions to for comparison. I loved it! That was the version that actually got me reading the novel. It's beautiful! Can't wait for the new movie version.
ReplyDeleteThe first version I saw was the Gainsbourg version which I really liked...until I saw Masterpiece Theater's 2007 version with Ruth Wilson. That's the version I will hold up all other versions to for comparison. I loved it! That was the version that actually got me reading the novel. It's beautiful! Can't wait for the new movie version.
ReplyDeleteSo glad you liked this! I seriously believe there can not ever be too much Jane Eyre. Charlotte Bronte must have a certain genius, because I am in no way a romance kind of woman, but Jane Eyre stands the test of time.
ReplyDeleteThis version looks lovely! Thanks for sharing it, I'm always wa-a-ay behind the times when it comes to the latest releases!