
Wednesday, November 17, 2010

I am no bird...

Mrs. Darwin is my new favorite person today! I had no idea a new Jane Eyre movie was in the works. I freely admit that I have a deep fondness for the classic Clarke & Dalton version that Morton and Gainsbourg just couldn't shake but I am also more than willing to try something new!

Dame Judi plays Mrs. Fairfax which you just know is going to be a wonderful thing to behold! I am unabashed in my love for all things Jane. It is one of those books that I just have to pick up and reread every so often. In fact, I'm thinking I just might head to that bookshelf right now...


  1. Ooh!! Love seeing (and critiquing) the newest attempt at Jane. Also one of my all-time favorite novels.

  2. Oh, wow. I cannot wait to see this. I am in love with the Morton/Hinds version, certain significant disappointments notwithstanding. (Haven't been able to decide which other versions to try.) I would read this book every year as I do with much of Austen, except I'm usually pregnant and I'm too hormonally susceptible to excessive emotional reactions!

  3. Oh! Love, love, love! I can't wait to see this version. I did enjoy the Morton and Gainsbourg versions. I think it is just because I love the story so much. Jane Eyre is on my top 5 most loved books.

    Shocking confession time...I have never seen the Clarke & Dalton version. I'm adding it to my netflix queue right now!

  4. Oh happy day!! It's available on instant watch!! Woohoo! :D

  5. Kelly,
    I admit that my preference for the Clarke/Dalton version could be due to the fact that it was the first one I saw. I just love it so much but I can see how someone who has never seen it before might be turned off by it's dated quality. I tried to evaluate the other versions based on the book and not compare them to the older movie version. I did enjoy them!

  6. Oh I got chills! Jane Eyre is one of my all time favorite books! I am so excited!

  7. Oooo! I'm sharing everyone's excitement! Rare that I see a preview for an upcoming movie that I actually want to see!

  8. LOL, just had to add, I have just finished my latst book, maybe it is time for another read of Jane Eyre, it has been awhile! And goodness, I just realized I have never seen the Clarke and Dalton version either! Maybe after my reread!
    I have to admit my favorite is the WWII version with Orson Wells as Mr. Rochester.

  9. The first version I saw was the Gainsbourg version which I really liked...until I saw Masterpiece Theater's 2007 version with Ruth Wilson. That's the version I will hold up all other versions to for comparison. I loved it! That was the version that actually got me reading the novel. It's beautiful! Can't wait for the new movie version.

  10. The first version I saw was the Gainsbourg version which I really liked...until I saw Masterpiece Theater's 2007 version with Ruth Wilson. That's the version I will hold up all other versions to for comparison. I loved it! That was the version that actually got me reading the novel. It's beautiful! Can't wait for the new movie version.

  11. So glad you liked this! I seriously believe there can not ever be too much Jane Eyre. Charlotte Bronte must have a certain genius, because I am in no way a romance kind of woman, but Jane Eyre stands the test of time.

  12. This version looks lovely! Thanks for sharing it, I'm always wa-a-ay behind the times when it comes to the latest releases!


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