For those of you who are new, most are saints from the new calendar, some are from the old calendar and some are of feast days special to my family. You may use them for your families and friends provided they are used freely and not for profit. Thank you!
Divine Mercy
Our Lord, Our Lady, Saints and Beati by Feast Day
Jan. 1 Mary, Mother of God
Jan. 2 Holy Name of Jesus (simple or window)
Jan. 21 St. Agnes
Jan. 25 The Conversion of St. Paul
Feb. 1 St. Brigid of Ireland
Feb. 3 St. Blaise
Feb. 8 St. Josephine Bakhita
Feb. 10 Feast of St. Paul's Shipwreck in Malta
Feb. 11 Our Lady of Lourdes (Immaculate Conception)
Feb. 14 St. Valentine
Mar. 19 St. Joseph
Apr. 24 St. Mark
Apr. 28 St. Gianna Molla
Apr. 29 St Catherine of Siena
May 1 St. Joseph the Worker
May 10 St. Damien of Molokai
May 26 St. Philip Neri
June 29 Feast of Sts. Peter and Paul
July 26 St. Anne (with and without date)
Aug. 1 St. Sophia
Aug. 4 St. John Vianney
Aug. 14 St. Maximilian Kolbe
Aug. 18 St. Jane Frances de Chantal and St. Helena
Aug. 21 Pope St. Pius X
Aug. 22 Queenship of Mary
Aug. 27 St. Monica
Aug. 28 St. Augustine
Sept. 3 Pope St. Gregory the Great
Sept. 5 Blessed Teresa of Calcutta portrait and landscape
Sept. 12 Holy Name of Mary and Marian Names
Sept. 15 Our Lady of Sorrows and the Sorrowful Mother
Sept. 17 St. Robert Bellarmine
Sept. 20 St. Paul Chong Hasang
Sept. 23 St. Padre Pio alone and at Mass
Sept. 29 Archangels Michael, Gabriel and Raphael
Oct. 1 St. Therese as a child and in habit
Oct. 2 Guardian Angel
Oct. 4 St. Francis of Assisi
Oct. 6 St. Bruno
Oct. 7 Our Lady of the Rosary
Oct. 13 St. Edward the Confessor
Oct. 15 St. Teresa of Avila
Oct. 16 St. Margaret Mary
Oct. 18 St. Luke
Oct. 23 St. John of Capistrano
Nov. 11 St. Martin of Tours
Nov. 13 St. Francis Xavier Cabrini
Nov. 16 St. Margaret of Scotland
Nov. 17 St. Elizabeth of Hungary
Dec. 8 Immaculate Conception
Dec. 12 Our Lady of Guadalupe
Dec. 13 St. Lucy or Syracuse, Santa Lucia with star boy
TERMS OF USE: All of my coloring pages are my own artwork and are free for any fair, not-for-profit use by individuals, families, home schooling groups, or other educational cooperatives and schools.
Copies may not be sold or reproduced for profit. Thank you!

That is very helpful! We love your coloring pages. Thank you. :)
ReplyDeleteHi Charlotte, I've just written an article for Associated Content about your beautiful coloring pages. I love how you have them grouped according to the Liturgical and saints feast days calendar. These are a great resource for All Saints' Eve parties!
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for sharing these! I'm going to use them with my kids =)
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for these. They are wonderful and help us to keep up with the feast days.
ReplyDeleteThank you for the coloring pages. They are just what I'm looking for!
ReplyDeleteThey are beautiful, God has blessed you with a grand gift!
God Bless.
Thanks for helping our Sunday School with the celebration of All Saints. We needed coloring images for the saints mentioned in the children's hymn "I Sing A Song of the Saints of God." Many blessings on your work.
ReplyDeleteHi, I just tried to go to the 'Conversion of St. Paul' and it is sending me to the St. Valentine page. The link seems to be wrong. Thanks for sharing these pages!
ReplyDeleteThank you! It should be fixed now.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for allowing the use of your colouring pages. They will be most helpful in a Year 2 class in Melbourne, Australia where we are looking at Pentecost People!
I found you coloring pages today while looking for a St. Therese for my little girl to color. These are all beautiful! Thank you so much for sharing your talent. I especially love how respectfully you have made them -- not unappealingly cartoonish. God bless.
ReplyDeleteCharolotte, what a blessing you are to all of us Religious Ed teachers and parents! Your coloring pages are one of the best resources we can have!
ReplyDeleteLove your color pages!
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for being kind hearted. These coloring sheets will be given to our students base either on their saint's namesake or birthday.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much! Sharing with kids at our parish for All Saints' Day!
ReplyDeleteThank you so much! Sharing with the children for All Saints' Day!