
Monday, March 1, 2010

Dydd Gŵyl Dewi Sant!

That's Welsh for Happy St. David's Day, I'm told. Sure hope someone here can confirm that so that I don't worry that I accidentally told you to stick a leek up your nose.

Some of Husband's ancestors hail from Wales (Sunshine's middle name is even a Welsh form of Mary that I fell in love with) and so today, we are celebrating good St. David with Potato Leek Soup and my version of Daffodil Cake as has become our tradition it seems.

I was putting this post together last night so that I could just add pictures today and then post. Husband heard me lamenting the fact that our winter has been so unseasonably cold that we don't have any daffodils coming up in the flower beds. What is St. David's Day without daffodils? I can't tell you how cute the smile on his face was when he came back through the door after having left for work a few minutes before announcing that St. David had indeed come through!
 He sure did.

If you have given up treats as your Lenten sacrifice, maybe Daffodil corn bread would compliment your meal. Try lightly swirling a batch of white corn bread batter and yellow corn bread batter in a pan and see what happens. Let me know if it works.


  1. I love it when the first daffies come up. Don't think we've got any in our garden yet although they're in the shops - someone had put some in the Church this morning.

  2. Beautiful daffodil! I love them!! I had to buy mine, though, because we still have INCHES of snow on the ground ... But spring is in the air, so the heart is hopeful =)

    Happy St. David's Day to you, too!

  3. Charlotte, can you share your daughter's middle name? I am curious because over here you can name your house and we would like to use the name Mary in our house name.

    I do believe that your greeting is correct. We are also having potato and leek soup which is very popular. Our priest even mentioned it after mass yesterday. But no cornbread over here. Corn flour is what we call cornstarch at home and I have not found cornmeal in the stores. Happy feasting!

  4. Oh I want to know the name too as I am sure it's just lovely! The daffodils are beautiful, we are longing for Spring here too but will have a longer wait I'm afraid.

  5. Carole,
    Send me an email and I will let you know. I still feel weird about putting their real names out here on the internet.


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