
Thursday, February 11, 2010

Memory Lane

Lenten calendars are popping up everywhere as the time for fasting rapidly approaches! Jessica reminisced about their first calendar in 2005, back when her oldest was a wee lad of four. I started thinking about our first calendar....which I couldn't remember exactly. So I went searching for it in a box of old photos (this was before the digital age, folks). And look what I found...

Easter 2002

Oh my goodness, see how tiny my big kids were! Such babies! I wish I could say that I remember those days well, but sadly, three kids, aged 3, 2, & 1, meant not a lot of sleep for mama. The brain fog is thick on those days. I don't remember if the Lenten calendar you see on the back wall was our very first one or not, but that doesn't really matter. Just look at this treasure that was hiding in that dusty old shoe box.
Sunshine, The Professor and Shortcake sitting on my absolute most favorite couch in the world. We bought it off the back of a van and it turned out to be the most comfortable spot for sleeping when I was 9 months pregnant and 9 days overdue with each of those three little munchkins!

And it might make her blush, but I just couldn't resist one more...

Who knew that a little craft basket update would send me on such a sentimental journey? As Bob Hope would say, "Thanks for the memories!" Now, where are the tissues?

P.S. If you are looking for a Lenten calendar like this one but don't think you can draw it yourself, Lacy has generously offered her printable version here. And if you are looking for more Lenten ideas, you can find them here.


  1. Oh!! Look at those sweet little faces!! So CUTE!!!

  2. Wait a minute! I thought there was some mistake and you posted a photo of Big Boy instead! It is amazing how the Prof and Big look so much alike at that age, especially from the side. Wow!

    Such incredible cuties. Sniffing along with you...

  3. What great photos! sniff, sniff indeed. (and we had that very same eggy tablecloth)

  4. so adorable. I love old photos.

  5. oh you have a beautiful little brood there! don't know if I've osted before. so, Nice to meet you and I love your blog. sorry to have been such a lurker.

  6. I had to laugh... I have the exact same couch. We bought our couch (and the matching chair) off the back of a semi when we lived in Charlotte, NC. Too funny-- was this ever sold inside a building?


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