
Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Colonial Brown Bread

For the feast of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton yesterday...

You have to try this recipe. I think my family loves it even more than the Irish Soda Bread we tried on St. Paddy's Day. I think Husband will pretty much do my complete and total bidding forever if I serve him a loaf of this bread warm from the oven every night. It is super simple and delicious! I made the first loaf and the girls made the second all by themselves! Try it today! It's not too late!


  1. I will! I will try this recipe!

    (Especially since I forgot to make some special bread for our dear St. Elizabeth Seton yesterday.)

    PS. LOVE the puppy! She's cute! cute! cute!

    PPS. Take away that lady's coffee cup.

  2. Ha ha's decaf, baby! This excitement is au naturale!!!

  3. The bread looks so lovely! Too bad it is made with buttermilk. My little guy is dairy intolerant and I have yet to find goat buttermilk! Maybe I'll make a loaf for the rest of us and give him the bread I usually make.

    Oh, yes, the puppy is cute!!!!

  4. Wow - that looks too easy. I'm excited to try it. Thanks!

  5. I already baked a loaf of sandwich bread today; but I'm printing this out to make soon. Looks yummy. And my sister, who can't eat yeast, can eat it!

  6. This is such a great idea! I wanted to feature it this year, but I couldn't find a picture. It looks like it came out beautifully! :-)

  7. My husband and I went to Ireland for our honeymoon almost 10 years ago. At every bed and breakfast they serve this bread. It was my favorite thing to eat there but I never had a recipe. Thank you so much for sharing this recipe. It has brought back so many memories and our children love it, too.

  8. This is the only way my dh will willingly eat whole wheat bread! Fabulous recipe!!!

    Jenny, a cup of faux buttermilk for baking purposes can be made by putting 1 T. vinegar in a one-cup measure and filling the rest with whatever milk you use.

  9. Hmmmm got to try this tonight with the faux buttermilk. Too darn cold today to venture out and get the real stuff!

  10. We loved this recipe... and it was so, so easy!! And I made it with faux buttermilk, too... using vinegar. I never use "real" buttermilk. I've read you can also make it by adding a T of lemon juice instead of vinegar.


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