
Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Beautiful Wall Calendars

I just had to share this with all of you who might not have your 2010 calendars yet. I usually like to get mine early so that I can spend part of the Christmas break transferring names and anniversaries but it hasn't always happened that ideally.

This year, I ordered one from Aquinas and More and one from Saints Galore. I like to have for the school room and one for the kitchen. And I also like to have both the Tridentine and the Novus Ordo calendar all together in one and at my fingertips. Both of these calendars offer that feature!

The first is called The Beauty of Grace: Calendar of Indulgences. It is chocked full of opportunities for indulgences including prayers, feast days and novenas. Each month's picture is of a different church in Germany with the exception of Our Holy Father's birth month in which you get to see his place of birth. Kinda cool! My only complaint, which isn't really one, is that this calendar is very busy. (Aren't all of our calendars! Tee hee!) But that's only because it has so much information in it. If you are looking for a peaceful, meditative, day keeping device, this might not be the best choice for you. I still think it is lovely and look forward to learning something new every month!

The next one from Saints Galore is really beautiful and still has lots of wonderful information in it, but seems less crowded. The monthly pictures are a colorful feast for the eyes. I adore the small little pictures that grace the day boxes of certain feast days. Christ the King on Christ the King or a sweet image of the Visitation on July 2nd. There is still room to write in these boxes, but the picture does take up some space. If you use your wall calendar as a day planner, you might be frustrated by the lost space. I think there is still plenty of room to write down birthdays and anniversaries and maybe even a little reminder or two. Sadly, it looks like these calendars are completely sold out, but the website says they might be able to locate a third party retailer for you. They also offer information on pre-ordering for next year.

P.S. In the interest of full disclosure, I was not compensated for these reviews. I purchased both items of my own accord and wanted to share them with you. My husband and I went to college with the Rutherfords who own Aquinas and More and while we consider them dear friends, that has not affected my opinion of this product or how cute I think their kids are! : )


  1. I purchased the calendar from Saints Galore a few months ago and I LOVE it!!! I will have to check out the one from Aquinas and More! I love the calendars that include both the Tridentine and Norvus Ordo calendars! =) Though not a wall calendar, I also love the day planner that is made by Tan.

    I hope you have a very Blessed Christmas!!!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Sorry about all the awful typos earlier!

    I picked up the Saints Galore calendar too. It really is very lovely and I look forward to hanging it up soon. I especially like that it shows you the liturgical color of the day in a little colored box instead of just a letter. (Now my three-year-old will be able to tell what color to dress Father Pine in for the day all by himself!)

    We like to have two calendars as well and I usually use the one given out by our parish for writing in because it has more room.

    Merry Christmas and God bless!


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