
Monday, June 15, 2009

Book Review

I just finished reading Bless Me, Father, For I Have Kids by the talented Susie Lloyd. It is delightful. This book had a different feel to it than her first one. Don't ask me what the difference is because I'm not sure I can put my finger on it until I've gone back and re-read the first book. Rest assured that both are very entertaining.

My favorite chapters were the last three and should be required reading for all Catholic homeschooling mommies of larger than average family size. Susie's discourse with St. Thomas was beautifully reminiscent of Don Camillo's discussions with Our Lord and her final chapter is heartwarming (in a humorous way, of course!). I think her cleverness is at it's best in the parable that she wrote called The Samaritan Next Door. If you are looking for some light summer reading, consider this one recommended!


  1. I saw that book at the homeschool conference this week. I wish I had bought it, but it wasn't in the budget :( I'll have to get it sometime.

  2. Oh, I'm itchin' to get that book in my hands. Now, with your recommendation, I *really* want to! Thanks for the review.

  3. My oldest bought the book for me for my birthday. I loved it!

  4. Thanks for the review. I don't homeschool, but I do have a larger than average family ... I love the title already!!

  5. Oh thank you! I saw this the other day and wondered if it was any good! Sounds like it would be a great read!

  6. Someone gave me her first book and I laughed until I cried. Thanks for the review, I can't wait to take a look at it!

  7. I also couldn't put my finger on what was different either. I'm glad I wasn't the only one.


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