
Friday, May 29, 2009

Prairie Remnant Nature Walk

In August 2006, a fire occurred in the native tall-grass prairie within this park. This prairie remnant is a part of one of the few remaining sections of the cross timbers forest (which stretched from southern Kansas to south Texas). We have been revisiting this park every year to watch the regrowth and changes that the fire and the plentiful spring rains have brought.
I love thistles! It's the Scottish in me, I guess.

Wild blackberries! We didn't see these before the park burned and now they are everywhere.

More thistles!
Evidence of the fire

Due to some readers' sensitivities, you have been spared the picture of the dead snake. You're welcome, Mom!


  1. What beautiful pictures! You really have an eye for composition. We here love the thistle as well. Scott plans to grow a bunch outside Nell's window, like a proper Highlander.

  2. Where is this place? And great pics by the way!

  3. These are just beautiful, Charlotte.

  4. Looks like you had a beautiful day. The weather has been terrific--hope it lasts a little while longer!


Thank you for sharing your thoughts and yourself!