
Sunday, May 10, 2009

May's Mantle for Mother's Day

I loved the way our new white/gold glittered Alleluia letters looked on the mantle but I also wanted to do something special for this month of Mary. Elizabeth very sweetly obliged a couple of requests I had, one of which was to see her May mantle. And then I headed to the craft store. A lack of F's and L's might have put a damper on my plans to copy Elizabeth's "full of grace" but it also afforded me the fun of calling Husband at home and asking him "Do you think 'grace' is sufficient?"

Why yes it is!

Funny story about this... BigBoy came up to me tonight before prayers and, looking up at the mantle said, "So I guess we can say "grace" now." He really took to heart the no-Alleluias-before-Easter rule and apparently has interpreted our mantle to be the green light for liturgically correct words.

To all the mothers, birth mothers, adopted mothers, grandmothers, godmothers and spiritual mothers, I hope you all had a wonderful Mother's Day! May our perfect Mother in Heaven wrap you in her loving arms and continue to embrace you and lead you to her precious Son whether you feel full of grace or running on empty.


  1. It looks BEAUTIFUL!! And I just LOVE what BigBoy said, what a cutie!!

    Happy Mother's Day to you, Charlotte! =)

  2. Happy Mother's Day, Charlotte! Mary's Mantle looks lovely! And that's hilarious,asking about the 'grace' (I often call my dd Lydia Grace-is-sufficient).

  3. "Do you think Grace is sufficient?"

    LOL!!! Happy Mother's Day, Charlotte!


Thank you for sharing your thoughts and yourself!