
Friday, April 3, 2009

What do you think?

Young lady or...

...old lady?

Shortcake's Easter dress is sleeveless and since I prefer for the girls to have their shoulders covered in church, I told her I would crochet a little shrug to go with it in a pretty color. She chose Aqua. I made a second one just for fun with a ruffle and when she saw it, well...hers had to have a ruffle too! One of the reasons I find it hard to sew or crochet clothing for my children is that I still see the raw materials and it colors my opinion of the finished garment. So... what do you think? Does this look like something a pretty little girl should be wearing or a sweet little octogenarian? She has already decided to wear it. She says it makes her feel like an elegant lady going to a ball.
She knows how to melt a mama's heart, that's for sure!

UPDATE: The basic pattern I used was this one although somehow, my rows always ended up being Row 3's instead of alternating 2's and 3's. Not sure why but it looks fine. I made mine bigger of course since Shortcake is 8 1/2, not 5. I added the ruffle without a pattern just using double crochets along the edge (about 5 per space).


  1. It's gorgeous, Charlotte! What beautiful work. I love the ruffles. And her haircut is so sweet!

  2. Charlotte,
    The shrug is lovely-- as is your daughter!

  3. Love it!

    I bet you'll get alot of compliments on both your daughter and your handiwork!

  4. It's so very sweet. I love it!

  5. Beautiful work! I love the soft blue color! I too love your daughters haircut. I was tempted to have my 4 1/2 yr. olds hair cut in a bob to make it easier to manage. And seeing how cute it looks I'm inspired to follow through with it.

  6. I know what you mean about seeing those raw materials and not being able to judge the final product, but this is lovely Charlotte, really it is. Let her wear it and be proud!

  7. It's beautiful. She is a very lucky little girl to have a mama to make her such pretty things.

  8. Thank you all for your kind words. I really wasn't fishing for compliments; just needed to have other eyes look at it for me.

    This is the shortest we have ever gone with her hair but she loves it! You can't really tell in this picture, but it is stacked in the back with a soft angle down towards her cheeks. She has very fine hair that tangles easily and a very sensitive scalp. We have discovered that the shorter it is, the less it tangles. It definitely suits her spunky personality!

  9. My very, very "Austen-ish!"

    I love it!! And the "bob" is adorable...

  10. My hope would be after seeing this adorable little coverup that you started oe renewed a very much welcomed trend here! Blessings!

  11. It is lovely! It's feminine and sweet, perfect for Easter! My oldest girl's hair is very fine, too, and so the short bob is best on her, too.

  12. that little girl is so darling. i love her pixie cut...and the sweater...well, from someone who has been dressing like any eighty year old her whole life...i adore it. that minty green is adorable! i feel that way too after i have looked at something for too long.

  13. Beautiful. Can you share the pattern? Did you make it up?

  14. Thanks for reminding me. The basic pattern I used was this one although somehow, my rows always ended up being Row 3's instead of alternating 2's and 3's. Not sure why but it looks fine. I added the ruffle without a pattern with double crochets along the edge (about 5 per space).

  15. It looks great. Her hairstyle is fabulous, and keeps the look from being old. Good job!


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