
Tuesday, April 28, 2009

St. Joseph the Worker Coloring Page

I have to tell you a funny story about this coloring page. I was scanning in my recent drawings and started with St. Joseph doing all of the same things I have done in the past. I loaded the drawing in the scanner. Found the scanning software I am familiar with. Placed the little box around the preview picture and initiated the final scan. The final image didn't look quite right. St. Joseph was a little crooked, kind of leaning over to the right and chopped off on the sides. Every. single. time. I checked to make sure that the drawing hadn't gone cattywampus in the scanner. I double checked the box around the image to make sure it hadn't somehow tilted. Everything was as it should be, except the final image. So husband came home and thought that maybe, since the scanner is kind of old, something had broken and the part that does the scanning was going wonky. (BTW, that's my computer jargon, not his. He uses real technical language and I just smile and nod.) So he brought home a new scanner, set it up and grabbed one of my drawings to test it out. St. Mark turned out great. No problems. Home free! So I sat down to finish up St. Joseph and......there he was still looking like he hadn't found his sea legs! So by now, I'm starting to think that sweet old St. Joe just didn't want to be colored. Maybe he thought I did a terrible job with his hands or his beard and just couldn't allow this coloring page to come to fruition. We tried it over and over with the same results. We reconnected the old scanner and tested it on a new drawing and it worked fine. Suddenly, a thought popped into my head. I tried it and SUCCESS! It worked. And all I had to do...

...was scan him upside down.

St. Joseph Coloring Page

P.S. Whether you agree with this practice or not ya gotta chuckle at the irony. Technically speaking, Husband thinks it had to do with the carpenter's square throwing off the adaptive technology thingy.


  1. I'm sorry, but that is FUNNY!!!

  2. Ha ha hah.... now that is FUNNY!!!!!!

  3. Well, Charlotte... St. Joseph was just making you WORK for it, doncha know! &:o) Glad you figured it out. Great coloring page!

  4. How funny!
    But I have to tell you, I like the first one, the "mistake", because it looks as if he is about to bend down and tell you something or show you something.
    Great job and thanks for these coloring pages.

  5. That's hilarious! You did a beautiful job on St. Joseph, Matilda.

  6. Oops! I meant "Charlotte"! Old habits die hard. :)

  7. God has a great sense of humor...thank you for these great pages!

  8. Thank you for the coloring pages. Our children enjoy them greatly. Could I use your St. Joseph image for a handyman flyer?

  9. I'm using your drawing for a sunday school lesson we are doing on the Jesse Tree. One of our symbols is tools, and we are talking about Joseph. The coloring sheet will be sent home as an activity to remind them what they learned. So... thanks!

    Also... I'm not Catholic (I'm lutheran) but did bury a Joseph in my backyard when selling my house outside of New Orleans. It was a gift, and we consulted our catholic neighbors as to the correct practice. ;) I'm sad to say, it didn't work. It took a year to get a land contract on the house, and technically it's still not sold, 18 months later.


Thank you for sharing your thoughts and yourself!