
Monday, April 27, 2009


I am working on some homemaking projects right now that will need my attention, plus the children are going to be finishing up some schoolwork and starting some new studies (Texas history, new math program, etc...) so I might be a bit absent from the blog. I will have the St. Joseph coloring page later this week but if you are looking for Garden of the Good Shepherd ideas, I will send you over to Jessica's place. We are expecting rain all week so our outdoor activities will be limited and our indoor time has already been claimed so just doing the stickers might be all we can accomplish. Happy Monday! Have a great week!


  1. I'm very interested in what you are planning for Texas history. That is definitely a study that we need to get to sometime soon.

    Have a good I hear thunder crash outside my bedroom window.

    With love in Christ,

  2. Wow, and I are on the same page, literally! We are battening down the hatches and getting some major schoolwork done--history and math and I hope to clean out a closet or two, too!

    Prayers for you this rainy week--it's thundering at our house, too!


  3. Rainy weather is good for a certain kind of productive week, for sure! Hope it's a good one. &:o)

  4. There is a lot for us to get finished here too.. in Central TX, we are having rain a day ( week ) too. Great time for me to clean out that closet!!!


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