
Tuesday, March 17, 2009

What's a Lert?

Your Shamrock Says You Are Alert

You have a logical mind, and you pay a lot of attention to details. You are very organized.
Sometimes you find thinking creatively to be a challenge. You prefer to deal with the facts at hand.
You don't really consider yourself a lucky person. In your view, people create their own luck.
You are traditional, easy going, and appreciative of the simple things in life.

Dawn is in a playful mood this morning and it was infectious. It was exactly the kick in the backside I needed to get me in the mood to celebrate today's feast day. You see, I wasn't that excited about St. Patrick's Day this year mostly because my children decided to give up treats for Lent and there are soooooooo many fun treats to make today. So, I was pouting... until this morning when I saw Dawn's link to a copycat McDonald's Shamrock Shake and realized that we defined treats as cookies, cake and candy. Nobody said nothin' about milkshakes!

Now, if you are looking for a healthy snack to have today, this Irish Flag Veggie Tray that we made a few years ago for a homeschool party is very impressive and super easy to throw together.

We are going to have fun making Jennifer's Trinity craft and spending the day looking for signs of spring. I got side tracked from my Lenten cleaning by having so many sewing projects last week (Quilties and cushions and curtains, oh my!) but the kitchen was cleaned yesterday and tending the freezers today should give me plenty of time to catch up on what got missed last week. Have a lovely day friends!


  1. "what's a lert?" (giggle) thanks for that!

    Love that veggie tray. Great idea. Have to do that one next year.

    Oh, one more thing... I just have to say that I luuurve your blog. One of the first one's I look for new posts on my google reader. Thanks for your time, talent and the occasional mention of TX (makes me a bit homesick..)


  2. What IS a lert? HA! Thanks for the laugh :)

  3. I hope you don't mind but I have a some questions -----
    WHY do you homeschool?
    What is/was the hardest or most unexpected part?
    What curriculum do you use?
    What is the highest grade you have taught to your kids?
    Do you plan for them to transition into any other kind of schooling in the future?

    We are making some big changes and I am hoping for sage advice :-)

    Feel free to email me or just leave the answers in a com box at A Catholic Notebook.
    I truly appreciate any information you have to share.


  4. I love the flag, that is such a great idea!!!

  5. The veggie tray IS impressive. I must print it out to remember next year.


Thank you for sharing your thoughts and yourself!