
Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Out like a lamb?

A stampede of lambs, maybe! Golf ball sized hail. Maybe a bit bigger. Followed by almost 2 inches of rain in about 15 minutes time. Followed by pea sized hail that mostly covered our driveway! We have heard and felt baseball sized hail before so I am pretty sure it wasn't that bad. And... there is more on the way! But the day is lovely today and was made even lovelier by the company of friends who are cozier than spring! The children played together in the soggy park and we enjoyed the warmth of the sun and pleasant conversation. I can't think of a better way to say goodbye to March and hello to April!

OK, I could do without the hail. Have a lovely Tuesday!


  1. Oh, no! More? And why does it always have to happen at night? The sound of it is so scary for the little people. Hope you didn't have any damage!

  2. Thanks for the forecast. I'll be sure to park the car in the garage for this next week.
    I enjoyed our visit, as did the children of course!

  3. Wow! golf-ball size? I remember the terrific storms we could watch from the big window in Catherine dorm at UD. Did you ever stay up and watch them? I knew some fool who would climb up onto the science building roof to watch the lightning!

  4. Barbara,
    Husband's car was out in the elements and it did get a few dings.

    We spent the evening we got engaged in the hallway of the dorm with the occupants of the dorm and the MJ Theater waiting on an all clear from a tornado warning. Very memorable!

  5. That storm surprised us last night. It seemed to come out of nowhere. I was wondering if I heard hail. I don't think we got much though.


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