
Friday, February 20, 2009


This is going around Facebook and some blogs I've seen and it seemed like the perfect frivolity for anyone who delights in accidental absurdity which is just what my Friday afternoon needs! You do a Google search for the phrase "Unfortunately, your name here". Don't forget the quotation marks around the phrase! Accidental Absurdity below:

Unfortunately, Charlotte's father was violently opposed to the match, and Charlotte refused to accept the proposal. (well!)

Unfortunately, Charlotte and her future stepmother had taken an instant dislike to each other from the moment they met.

Unfortunately, Charlotte is much more interested in creating vacant lots and building new and better on top of whatever was there before.

Unfortunately, Charlotte was still more at home in the world of theatrical fiction than in reality.(really?)

Unfortunately, Charlotte is lacking in variety. (hey now!)

Unfortunately, Charlotte’s arena is too small. (this is getting personal)

Unfortunately, Charlotte’s private sector has largely failed to follow the government’s lead. (the government best leave my private sector alone!)

Unfortunately, Charlotte's training for the 2008 USMS Short Course Nationals in May was suddenly interrupted when she broke her ankle walking her two dogs ... (ouch)
Unfortunately, Charlotte just lost $500 she had in her account for Cosmetology School.

Unfortunately, Charlotte is now experiencing cankerworms in high numbers. (hence the need for Cosmetology School)

My personal favorite:
Unfortunately, Charlotte lacks conveyor-belt sushi. (not anymore!)

What I hope my husband says every day after work:
Unfortunately, Charlotte was too far away from me.

Happy Friday!

P.S. You might have to skip over some ugly ones to get to the funny ones!


  1. LOL! I'll have to show this one to my teenagers. Looks right up their alley. &:o)

  2. Hilarious! For me Renee Zellweger came up over 18 times! Thanks for the fun...unfortunately...ha ha. God Bless!

  3. Yeah, poor Renee Z.! She sure has had a lot of "unfortunately" in her life!

  4. Okay mine were awesome. I'm going to do a post.


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