
Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Shameless Plug

If you are a subscriber to Faith and Family, be sure to check out the Party Planner page (coughcoughpage 18) in the most recent March/April edition. It might look familiar to some of you long time readers.

My girls are giddily giggling over having their pictures in a magazine! I'm off to hunt down the mailman who tore the front page of mine! Bye!


  1. We got ours today. I noticed your page right away and was very excited to see it. Your birthday ideas are always fantastic. BTW, what is it with mailmen? My mailman mangled mine as well.

  2. Mine, too! The whole thing was dinged up! Methinks it wasn't the mailman's fault.

    And yes, it was great fun (but not all that surprising) to see your family on the Party Planner page. You could write that column EVERY issue.

  3. It's a conspiracy I tell you!!! I'm just kidding. In charity, I choose to believe that the mailman just couldn't keep his hands off it...those beautiful spreads and insightful stories.

    Hey Mags,
    Do you think it came from the printer that way?

  4. What fun! I got mine the other day and had to go back and look again!
    ~Angela in Oregon

  5. That's so cool. But no picture of you, darn. :)

  6. I looked at the page and thought... "Wait. Why does this look familiar?" But I couldn't place it! I'm so glad you linked. Great idea!

  7. Congratulations! I can't wait to see it!

  8. Oh, Wow! Your Andy Warhol moment! (One of many more, to be sure!) congratulations!

  9. I started reading my issue last night, and recognized your party first by the cake (I'm a cake person, what can I say?). Great column!

    BTW, the cover of my magazine (East Coast) was fine.

  10. I just got mine (mangled as well -- though mine usually is)!!! The girls look absolutely darling!

    I agree with Margaret, you COULD write that column with all your awesome parties! =)


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