
Friday, February 20, 2009

Right Said *Hung... still sashaying down the catwalk. I had only one come through this morning but it was in the same form. According to my computer nerd Husband (he approved that title, BTW) and his favorite tech site, Ars Technica, the problem is with the thingy you type to prove that you're not a robot. Apparently, the robots have cracked it. (Don't you like my technical jargon? The dish soap bubbles are tickling my nose. Tee hee!) Maybe they're being controlled by the green backwards comet?

You can read the real story here, or just show it to your husband who just might plant a great big kiss on you when he realizes you read an article from a website that reviews lip-synching monkey simulation apps. I wonder if the Archbold brothers would consider that a sign of the Apocalypse?

*Hung: Chinese name meaning "deluge or flood".


  1. Charlotte...

    Wordpress isn't very cute. You can't use flash and lots of scrolling sidebar thingy's just won't work...


    I never get spam in my comment box. Akismet has a filter and it is all automatically diverted to a spam box. I check it periodically to make sure my friends don't accidentally end up there (I had to rescue Donna-Marie's comment last week!). I can't praise the good people at Wordpress enough. Technical issues are addressed quickly and efficiently...

    But like it said...there aren't the "cute" features that Blogger supports. Losing the spam and gaining the tech support was worth the transition for this blogger! Just thought you might want to know...

  2. I watched that spammer's net cast itself closer and closer to me, and finally got snagged a few days ago. But it seemed to have been a one time (albeit a dozen necessary deletions) thing.


Thank you for sharing your thoughts and yourself!