Sunday, November 16, 2008


The moral of this story is...don't believe everything you read on the internet. According to a 4Real friend, the picture I found which was clearly labeled as St. Margaret of Scotland was actually a black and white copy of an illustration of St. Ermengild from Fr. Lovasik's Book of Saints #10.

Both are medieval saints but St. Ermengild lived almost 400 years before St. Margaret. What I find interesting is that St. Margaret is often shown holding a black cross like the picture of St. Ermengild. I wonder if the artist didn't use a description of St. Margaret as a guide for his/her St. Ermengild.

So, I don't know if I should relabel this one or not. Sorry about the mix-up. Just wanted to let you know.

1 comment:

  1. Okay, I admit I know very little about saints, but are you sure that isn`t St. Margaret of Scotland?

    I only ask because there is a church we visited in Chicago and St. Margaret of Scotland is their patron saint. And, I checked the website and that SAME pic you used in b&w is on their site...


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