For those of you who are new, most are saints from the new calendar, some are from the old calendar and some are of feast days special to my family. You may use them for your families and friends provided they are used freely and not for profit. Thank you!
Blessed Mother Teresa (portrait layout)
Blessed Mother Teresa (landscape layout)
Divine Mercy Icon
Guardian Angel
Holy Name of Mary
Immaculate Conception
Marian Names
Mary, Mother of God
Our Lady of Guadalupe
Our Lady of Sorrows
Our Lady of the Rosary
Queenship of Mary
Saint Anne
Saint Augustine
Saint Blaise
Saint Bruno
Saint Catherine of Siena
Saint Damien of Molokai
Saint Edward the Confessor
Saint Elizabeth of Hungary
Saint Frances Cabrini
Saint Francis of Assisi
Saint Gabriel
Saint Gianna
Saint Gregory the Great
Saint Helena
Saint Jane Frances de Chantal
Saint John of Capistrano
Saint John Mary Vianney
Saint Joseph
Saint Josephine Bakhita
Santa Lucia with star boy
Saint Lucy of Syracuse
Saint Luke
Saint Mark
Saint Martin of Tours
Saint Maximillian Kolbe
Saint Michael
Saint Monica
Saint Paul
Saint Pio at Mass
Saint Pio of Pietrelcina
Saint Pius X
Saint Raphael
Saint Robert Bellarmine
Saint Teresa of Avila
Saint Therese as a child
Saint Therese in habit
Saint Valentine
Sorrowful Mother

Thank you so much~ These are beautiful!
ReplyDeleteThank You for your generosity. :-)
ReplyDeleteCharlotte, you are very talent and very generous the share these with others, thank you!
ReplyDeleteHI I would really like to see your coloring pages. However they are blocked for some reason because of a banned word. Please help or email the coloring page for Our Lady of Sorrow to
ReplyDeleteThe coloring pages are very beautiful. Thanks for sharing. Please, keep them coming, my children love them. They are such a great part of our homeschooling day!!!!