The Sun : make a weather journal and talk about how to protect ourselves from this hot Texas sun
The Cloud : Cloud experiments found here
The Rain : Rain maker experiment from the same website
The Lightning : Let's make lightning!
The Wind : fly kites and read Inside a Hurricane (maybe an episode of Storm Stories which use to be The Professor's favorite show. Anyone else have a kid with a favorite meteorologist?)
The Rainbow : watch Signing Time # 6 (BigBoy calls it "Colors") and try the Catch a Rainbow experiment
The Hail : Texas Wild Weather show and help prepare storm closet
Have a lovely weekend! I will be here watching nice men climb up and down my attic steps while they replace my entire AC unit; everything from the ducts to the compressor. Fun, fun fun!

Thank You Matilda for the next week's activities. I'm going to be looking into those websites, What fun! -Elizabeth