
Sunday, May 6, 2007

May Crowning

Today we brought flowers of the fairest to the fairest of all.

On the menu was Star of the Sea Tuna sandwiches, fresh blueberries, pasta salad, carrot sticks and celery for those who don't like pasta salad and Berry Blue Punch which ended looking more teal than blue. I couldn't find any blue Kool-Aid so I used Jell-O. It looked great until I added the white cranberry juice which had a tinge of yellow. The ice cream (Blue Bell of course!) did foam up like clouds which the kids thought looked very cool and I enjoy any opportunity to use my grandma's punch bowl.
Since I knew I was tampering with the recipe, I had a back-up ready. A scoop of vanilla ice in the cups with Frostie Blue Cream Soda poured over it. Definitely a true blue color and yummy to boot!
Dessert anyone? I did not make the cake (wanted to check out a new bakery we discovered before ordering a cake for Sunshine's First Communion...let me 'splain...later), but I did make the forget-me-not cookies. This cake is called a Strawberry Boston Creme Pie, but we called it a Queen of Martyrs cake.
Here is a close up of the May Day basket that was inspired by the very talented Alice and company. Inside we will deposit the flowers below on which we wrote one of Our Lady's titles and the special intentions we have paired with them. Oh, the blue flower candle holders just jumped into my basket when I was in the floral department. Somehow they knew that I had a little forget-me-not theme going. They were so clever those little candle holders... and on sale!
We all sang "Sing of Mary" along with Sunshine's cd called Standing on the Rock (she highly recommends it by the way) and we finished with the Litany of Loreto. Already, the kids have asked some questions (What's a patriarch?) and we have enjoyed discussing with them the what and why behind our plans to honor the rest of the days in this lovely month of Mary.


  1. What a wonderful day you had, just beautiful!!

  2. You did a beautiful job on your May Crowning! I'm sure Our Lady was smiling down on you.

  3. Gorgeous, Matilda!! What a memorable and delicious day for your family!

  4. It all looks beautiful!

  5. Gorgeous pics - love all that blue. :-)

  6. It all looks so wonderful!!

  7. Oh, everything looks so lovely and delicious and holy all at the same time!

  8. I love the forget-me-not theme, I think I missed that the first time through your beautiful day!! I may have to *lift* that for our Monday's With Mary ;) Blessings!

  9. What a beautiful day of loving, teaching and celebration our Sweet Mother Mary!

    Jesus must be so pleased to have His Mother honored this way!

  10. ooops! that is supposed to be 'celebrating'!


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