
Friday, April 20, 2007

Show and Tell

Barbara shared her favorite rosaries with us a few days ago (if you haven't seen the beautiful ones she makes you must go take a look!) and passed along a request from Sharon to share pictures of your favorite rosary. Oh, and while you are at Sharon's tell her congratulations on her adorable newest addition!

This is my favorite rosary, but like Barbara, it is very old and I don't use it very often. It is a Job's Tear Rosary and it belonged to the priest pictured here (not St. Blaise, the other guy). I found it in my grandpa's barn in a trunk filled with relic cards, postcards and books that were half eaten by mice and who-knows-what else. I don't know exactly how old it is. The back of the cross is stamped "ITALY" and the centerpiece says "COR JESU" on one side and "B.V. DI POMPEI" on the other. The latter side bears the image of the Blessed Virgin of the Rosary of Pompei. Both metal pieces are pretty worn down as though they have been gently rubbed over and over.

What I love most about it is the smoothness of the beads and the sound they make when they rattle. They click more than clank. And when they slide around together it sounds like the buzz of the locusts on a scorching summer night down on a farm in South Texas.

I tag anyone who wants to share. Kimberlee also makes beautiful rosaries and I would love to know what her personal favorite looks like. Let me know if you decide to play!


  1. Those beads are gorgeous. Amazing story.

  2. That is quite a treasure! I love those beads. They almost look natural, like seeds or nuts. I love that it belonged to a priest -- well prayed upon.

  3. What a GORGEOUS rosary! That is so beautiful. The beads are amazing. I wouldn't use it too frequently, either! You got some good pictures.

    Thanks for joining in the photo tag. And THANKS for the baby congrats. :) I still can't beleive he's finally here!

  4. Thank you for your kind words!

  5. Kimberlee made my favorite rosary! I even wrote a post about it.

    It has been a source of much comfort to me. When I am feeling out of sorts, I go looking for my rosary.

    PS. Yours is truly beautiful, as well, Matilda.

  6. I remembered your post as soon as I saw it. Yours is such a lovely rosary and how even more special to know who made it and who gave it. I want to try to work on my affection for saying the rosary.


Thank you for sharing your thoughts and yourself!