Dawn has a post about Jane Austen, laundry and so much more! She wants to know which of the stories are your favorites and which heroine you admire most. I don't like to choose when it comes to Jane Austen because I am afraid that my opinions have been formed too much by the actresses who have portrayed them and not by the characters themselves.

I like 'em. I need 'em! They are fun and romantic, usually pretty light and will leave me smiling as I pitter-patter off to bed. But... I guess I have a dark side, too.
I love Jane Eyre.
Pain, deception, intrigue, mystery, heartache, sorrow, torment. Why, you ask? I don't know but I am sure a qualified therapist could figure it out.
It's possible that my fascination with Bronte's Jane could be the influence of my freshman year high school English teacher. This was the the first time I had ever read a novel like this. (Public school education, what can I say?)

But even though she was an incredibly annoying teacher from my perspective, I had to admire her energy. I wasn't crazy about the book that year , but I picked it up that summer while I was a hospital volunteer and gave it a serious chance. I was hooked. I think I have been reading it once a year, every year since then.
I understand if those who love Jane find my Jane a little tough to swallow. It is awfully dark. Might I recommend a compromise....

I don't want to give anything away to those who haven't seen it, but Wives and Daughters has just the right amount of sadness and smiles to make this a beloved favorite. Hmmmm, come to think of it...I've got plenty of dirty laundry on hand and it is very gray and dreary outside...bye!
I like both Janes myself.
ReplyDeleteI love Wives and Daughters!!
ReplyDeleteI am glad to be in good company!
ReplyDeleteIf you loved "Wives and Daughters" have you seen the BBC adaptation of Gaskell's "North and South"? That one introduced me to Gaskell's works and now she and Jane Austen share a bookshelf in our home library.
ReplyDeleteOh yes, I love North and South! I think it would rank a really close second to Wives and Daughters, possibly even slipping into 1st depending on the mood I'm in.