Dawn asked what the weather has been like and I have been saving these pictures to do one big nature post. So here goes....Let's talk about wind. We heard the roar of the March lion starting last Saturday. This picture is courtesy of the
Dallas Morning News website. I didn't have my camera handy when Arizona tried to invade. I was having a lovely lunch celebrating the impending arrival of a new niece or nephew! I did drive home with the sky looking like this and it was eerie!

This time of year, we usually see lots of pink skies much to the delight of Sunshine.
Pink is her favorite color.

Warm days and cold nights is what spring is all about here in the Lone Star State. My pediatrician tells me it is the perfect breeding ground for respiratory infections (lovely!) but I say it is also the perfect weather for making hungry, pink-cheeked, tired kids!

I would like to hang out a welcome sign to these two lovey-doves. If you are looking for a humble abode to call your own remember~ location, location, location!

We spotted these two (Northern Mockingbirds?) sitting right on top of a bush in our front yard this morning. We kept coming in and out of the house to peek at them. Husband said, "They are just sitting there looking at us!"
Well, isn't that what we're doing, too?

This little guy, a Downy Woodpecker from what I can tell, has been knocking on this tree every morning for the past week. By the time the children get up he is gone. The boys did wake up early one day and got the hear his rat-a-tat-tat, but the girls haven't seen him yet.

Here is the evidence of his handiwork!

The Bradford Pears are starting to bud and it won't be long before they will be
smelling like rotting meatin bloom! If you have these trees you know what I mean.

The grape hyacinth have multiplied!
Thanks so much sharing. Love the last picture. I'll be sure Lola says inside...ha, ha. Really enjoying your blog!
ReplyDeleteI love it! What a perfect post: nature, cute kids and humor. A day in the life of a homeschooler, right? (A good day, anyway.)
ReplyDeleteI loved the pictures, especially the one of your 'sleepy Superman!'