If you are living somewhere in the frozen land to the north and you don't want to hear about sunshine, shorts and playing outside then I will not be offended if you don't read any further.*
You still there? OK.
What do you serve a hungry pack of kids who willingly threw on their skorts and t-shirts, grabbed their work gloves and tools and headed outside for hours to help us rake up leftover leaves, trim the suckers off the stinky trees, pop weeds with our handy dandy new weed popper, ...
catch snakes ...
and one-legged crickets...

andbury plant worms (doesn't everyone?) all under
the protective eye of our new resident watch squirrel...
the protective eye of our new resident watch squirrel...
A plate full of dirt and worms! Delicious!
*Even though we might get to enjoy the glorious weather during the day, this time of year brings with it the possibility of nights spent tucked in amongst musty clothes, listening for the terrifying sound of a ghostly train that no one wants to ride.